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Common Terms

Explanations of General Terms


People throughout Australia being able to get the services they need.


The assistance given to people to help them get their rights and make decisions for themselves: related to this is self advocacy, which means people living with disability having the skills, opportunities and necessary supports to make decisions about their own lives.

Commonwealth State & Territory Disability Agreement (CSTDA)

Special documents signed by the Prime Minister and the Premiers that set out the responsibilities of the Commonwealth and State Governments for disability services in the future: the Agreement is intended to ensure better services and improved efficiency.

Consumer outcomes

Positive results for consumers that come about through the services they received.


State Department for Communities and Social Inclusion


Commonwealth Department of Social Services.


Australian Government Department of Human Services – includes Centrelink, Medicare, Child Support & Australian Hearing

Duty of care

A requirement that organisations take reasonable care in providing services and protecting people from unnecessary risk.

Entry & Exit policies

Services’ rules about people joining or leaving services.


People throughout Australia receiving rights, benefits and entitlement without discrimination and in accordance with their needs.

Guardianship Board

A government agency appointed to protect the rights of people who may not be able to make the best decisions for themselves.

Individual needs analysis

A method of working out the support needs of people so that services can be tailored to suit them.


National Disability Advocacy Program - provides people with disability access to effective disability advocacy that promotes, protects and ensures their full and equal enjoyment of all human rights enabling community participation.


National Disability Insurance Agency


National Disability Insurance Scheme - supports people with a permanent and significant disability that affects their ability to take part in everyday activities

Needs based planning

An approach to planning for the provision of services, using information about the needs of local communities.


A public official appointed to investigate complaints by people against government departments and agencies.


Office of the Public Advocate

Public advocates

People appointed by governments to represent the interests of particular disadvantaged groups.


For a guide to acronymns and abbreviations in South Australia please go to the